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Nativity Pieces
Nativity Pieces
by Roy Jackson
Monologues for an alternative carol service written 2013 for Norbury Methodist Church by Roy Jackson Some supporting characters from the nativity story lead the worship. Gabriel I couldn't get anyone important for your carols tonight – Mary, Joseph, the Wise Men, the Donkey – the…
Temple Praise
Temple Praise
by Meryl White
A reflection on the children who sang praises in the temple after Jesus triumphal entry to Jerusalem After an introduction the author attempts to view Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem through the eyes of ones of the children reported to have been singing his praises in the te…
Easter Confession
Easter Confession
by Richard Steel
A simple all age confession focusing on the impact of the resurrection on the way we live for God Easter Confession Lord Jesus, we are sorry when we don’t live in the way you call us to Risen Lord Jesus. Help us to live in your risen power. Lord Jesus, we are sorry when we fail t…
The view from above
The view from above
by David Barker
A dialogue for 2 characters, who look down on the scene in Jerusalem on Good Friday and comment on the events unfolding before them. The view from above Two characters are sitting high up, maybe on a trestle or on step-ladders, looking down, swinging their legs …. 1 This is great…
Jesus and the children - action story
Jesus and the children - action story
by Meryl White
A retelling of the mothers bringing their children to Jesus. Action story - based on Mark 10 v 13 -16. Jesus and the children - Congregation repeat each line and copy actions. Mothers were bringing their babies to Jesus, Holding baby action. They wanted Jesus to bless the childre…
Christmas all age service -Opening Prayer
Christmas all age service -Opening Prayer
by Richard Steel
A short gathering prayer for use at a Christmas morning service. Dear Jesus We thank you for coming to earth as a tiny baby. We thank you for coming to earth as the light of the world. We come now - Continues... Also available in PowerPoint - Click Here
Journey to Jerusalem
Journey to Jerusalem
by Paul Welch
A puppet sketch as seen by a young Boy of Jesus journey to Jerusalem. Journey to Jerusalem Hello, my name’s Josh. You’ll never believe what I’ve just seen? I saw this fella, Jesus I think they called him. He came riding into our City, Jerusalem on a colt, which is a little donkey…
Puppet Sketch-Milestones Journeys